Aim for the Light Podcast

Aim for the Light Podcast

This spiritual awakening podcast microdoses spiritual concepts into bite-sized pieces to help you navigate your unique spiritual journey.

Listen up.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Spiritual Awakening
Higher Self, Soul Mission, Akashic Records Martha Marlton Higher Self, Soul Mission, Akashic Records Martha Marlton

Spiritual Awakening

In this episode, I microdose spiritual awakening and how no two journeys are alike. We all come to Earth for different missions, but we all share the same purpose: To wake up to the truth of what we are.

“The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can’t be organized or regulated. It isn’t true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth.” – Ram Dass

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Saturn Return
Higher Self, Saturn Return Martha Marlton Higher Self, Saturn Return Martha Marlton

Saturn Return

In this episode I microdose the Saturn Return and give you tools to help you navigate this important transit. Saturn gets a bad rap, but just think of him as a built in alarm clock, waking you up at certain times in your life to ask: Are you on the path of your Soul Mission? Questions Saturn asks of us are What are you afraid of? What are you avoiding And what needs to change?

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Songs from the Akasha
Martha Marlton Martha Marlton

Songs from the Akasha

In this episode I talk about the frequency of music and how spirit likes to send messages through songs and lyrics. Have you ever been in your car, or grocery store and all of a sudden a song comes on that has the EXACT message that you need in that moment? That’s your guides/Higher Self trying to reach you. . We live in a free will universe, so your guides can’t infringe on your free will, but they can nudge you with music, lyrics or number sequences. All you have to do is stay open and listen for the signs.

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The Soul Blueprint
Martha Marlton Martha Marlton

The Soul Blueprint

In this episode I microdose the soul blueprint and give some tips to help you connect to your soul mission and purpose. If you’ve been craving connection in a world that is full of noise but little substance. Good. GOOD. This is your higher self nudging you to get on the path of your mission. And the key to connecting to your soul mission is getting to know your birth chart, which allows you to get to KNOW YOURSELF.

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Shadow Work
Martha Marlton Martha Marlton

Shadow Work

The love & light of the spiritual journey are AMAZING. But what about the shadow? As all of the masters have said, You can't have light without darkness. It is the shadow that allows us to appreciate the light.

But the shadow isn't something to be afraid of; the goal is to integrate the light and dark to come back to wholeness. Tune in as I microdose shadow work and give some easy shadow hacks to help you along your journey of awakening.

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The Mind is the Builder
Martha Marlton Martha Marlton

The Mind is the Builder

In this episode we break down the phrase the mind is the builder. In the Edgar Cayce readings there was a phrase that was constantly repeated and it was the mind is the builder.

July 15th 1928 | Edgar Cayce reading

The spiritual is the life.

The mental is the builder.

The physical is the result.

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The Gospel of Mary Magdalene (ACTIVATION CODES)
Martha Marlton Martha Marlton

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene (ACTIVATION CODES)

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene is full of activation codes for those that are ready. In this week's episode I read the full text (it’s short and sweet) to help you download the codes. All you have to do is close your eyes, listen to the words and pay attention to whatever comes up for you. You will get the message that is meant for YOU. Those who have ears, let them hear.

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Use Your Imagination to connect to your Higher Self
Martha Marlton Martha Marlton

Use Your Imagination to connect to your Higher Self

The IMAGINATION plays a pivotal role in how we connect to Spirit and our Higher Self. So the next time you are trying to connect to Spirit and a vision, spirit animal or message comes through, lean into it. Your imagination is how the other realms can connect with you!

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Lean into the process
Martha Marlton Martha Marlton

Lean into the process

Feeling frustrated on the spiritual path? Things not happening quick enough? Try leaning into the process. You don’t have to do anything except lean into the unknown and come back to yourself. In this episode, I share a recent channeling about why it’s so important to lean in and be ok with not knowing where the path might take you.

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The Akashic Records
Martha Marlton Martha Marlton

The Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are the record of your soul’s journey. The Akashic energy holds all of your thoughts, feelings and actions from each lifetime. In this episode, I microdose the records and give you some tips on how to tap into your own records through meditation.

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