Find your soul’s purpose.

Your life has a unique mission & purpose.

In a world brimming with distractions and obligations, there's one quest that transcends them all – the pursuit of your soul's purpose. It's not about finding a job or a hobby; it's about unearthing the essence of who you are and why you're here. We all crave the same thing—connection and meaning.  But the modern world encourages us to create lives that, on the surface, look successful but, deep down, leave us disconnected and feeling like something is missing. This restlessness is our soul trying to nudge us back to our truth and soul purpose.

Martha | Akashic Records Reader | Astrologist

Welcome! I’m Martha

Helping you find your life purpose is my soul’s mission.

I work with the Akashic Records and your natal birth chart to guide you to a life that feels aligned and deeply connected to your highest truth. When you align with your purpose, every aspect of your life takes on new significance. Each day becomes infused with a sense of fulfillment and meaning, transforming all areas of your life. Embracing your unique gifts and talents unlocks the key to a life filled with joy, passion, and clarity. All you have to do is take that leap of faith and say yes to the journey.

Everything you seek is

seeking you.

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are a cosmic library of infinite wisdom that transcends space and time. This repository of knowledge holds the key to understanding the deepest truths of the universe and your soul’s purpose. The records, also known as the "Book of Life” in the Bible, are an ethereal archive that stores every thought, emotion, and experience of every soul throughout its lifetime. Imagine it as a cosmic database where every event, past, present, and potential future, is recorded in exquisite detail.

Within the Akashic Records lies the blueprint of your soul – your purpose, lessons, and potentials across lifetimes. During our session, you will gain clarity on your life’s purpose, and receive guidance on navigating your journey with wisdom and grace. Additional information can be gleaned from your birth chart and this is when the real magic happens!

Phlighter Aimes | Martha | Akashic Records guidance | Birth chart alignment | Purpose coaching

Live a life filled with purpose.

All it takes is a slight shift in perspective. Just come to your session with an open mind and I can guide you to a place of empowerment and help you step into the fullest expression of your life purpose and mission.


Phlighter Aimes | Martha | Akashic Records guidance

Akashic Records

Phlighter Aimes | Martha | Soul interpretation

Soul Blueprint

Phlighter Aimes | Martha | Soul interpretation

Spiritual Mentoring

Free resources

  • Notes from the Akasha

    Weekly channeled messages from the records straight to your inbox.

  • Astrology Masterclass

    Know your chart, know your mission. Grab your chart, a cup of tea and dive in!

  • Songs from the Akasha

    Use this Spotify playlist as an oracle to get daily messages from spirit.

“Martha is truly gifted. I have had several sessions with her now and I am blown away each time. I am usually a skeptic with pretty much everything but she’s the real deal.


Aim for the light blog

Live a life filled with purpose.

All it takes is a slight shift in perception.