Saturn Return

Transitions, initiations, and lessons.

Saturn brings what you've earned through your hard work and inspired actions. During your Saturn return, you'll find out what you've manifested up to that point and how well you've used your talents (or not).

It’s time for a life review.   

Thr s is where Saturn comes in, as he reveals to us which life choices are out of sync with our soul's true destiny. Are you on the wrong career path? No problem, the universe can rearrange this. Are you with the wrong partner? No worries, relationships can be shifted. Haven't looked at your childhood trauma? Great. Time to do that. Basically, if you're in your late 20's or late 50's and your life feels like a bad country song, you can rest assured that Saturn is working his magic.

The good news is that if you work with Saturn's energy rather than fighting against it, this time can be rewarding and life-changing. Saturn will give you the discipline, focus, and grit to face your fears and fulfill your soul's mission. 

Saturn brings you what you've earned through your hard work and inspired actions. You'll find out during the Saturn return what you've manifested up to that point, and how well you've used your talents (or not). Think of it as your midlife exams or quarter-life crisis. 

Saturn's medicine is about responsibility, grit, and facing your fears. He aims to teach you how to grow through your relationships with yourself (and others), and to inspire you to remember who you are and what you came here to do. This is a time of taking stock, removing excess baggage, and getting back to your original mission and purpose.

It's never too late to step into your mission. The Saturn return reminds you of what is truly important and nudges you to claim your highest potential.

Phlighter Aimes | Saturn Return advice | Life alignment
  • Reconnecting to your soul’s mission and purpose

  • Understanding what lessons your soul signed up for in this lifetime

  • Pinpointing if you are off track in your career & misaligned to what your soul came here to do

  • Understanding your unique lessons

  • Insight into your gifts, preferences, and potential challenges

  • Identifying patterns that may be hindering you from stepping into your soul’s mission

  • Cleansing & clearing of negative patterning


Phlighter Aimes | Saturn Return advice | Life alignment


You will need to know the exact time that you were born. And of course, your full name, birth date, and place of birth. 

I will send you a birth chart with channeled information, and then we will schedule a Zoom call during which we will access your records and get clarity on Saturn’s message for you. 

Each reading takes approximately 1.5 hours.

You will receive a recording of the call (I find that each time you listen to the information, new insights come through!)

You will also receive a brief, customized clearing homework for you to do for 21 days to activate and complete the work we do in the session.