Free Resources
Know your Chart, Know your mission
In this FREE masterclass, we’ll look at your big three- your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.
Then we’ll discuss how the birth chart and the Akashic Records work together to help you bring your soul mission and purpose to life.
You’ll also calculate your soul code number and create a first draft of your soul mission statement. To get started, grab a (free) copy of your birth chart online and download the masterclass and workbook below.
(Enter your email below to receive the masterclass!)
“Waking up to the truth is the first step. The second step is to discover your unique mission and purpose.”
-The Akashic Records Guides
Binaural Beats
I teamed up with a sound designer to create a specific binaural beat track to help you easily connect with your higher self & Akashic Record.
It's tuned to the frequency of 33 Hz (Christ consciousness and the pyramid frequency), layered with 211.44 Hz, which is Neptune's orbitary frequency: connection to the unconscious soul, imagination and spiritual love.
If you have a hard time meditating, try using this track for 21 days and see what kind of results you get. I would love to hear any insights that come up!
Just listen to the track with headphones, clear your mind from all thoughts, focus on the tone and set the intention to connect to your inner knowing.
Book recommendations for the Spiritual Journey
I’ve compiled a list of books and oracle cards that helped me along my journey. I have broken them down by subject, from the Akashic Records to meditation, shamanism, crystals, etc. If you are curious to know more about the records, I highly recommend starting with Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records by Kevin J. Todeschi. And if you are ready to take it real deep, grab the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvolo Melchizedek!
Songs from the Akasha
Spirit likes to send messages through number sequences, books, and SONGS. These are nudges from your higher self and guides trying to connect with you through your Akashic Record.
The guides like to download a song before each session, which usually gives a synopsis of what the client needs to know.
You can use this playlist as an oracle. Just close your eyes, scroll through the playlist and set an intention for Spirit to send you a message. Then open your eyes, and listen to the song you are drawn to. Listen to the song with headphones and see what messages come through!