Full Moon in Scorpio | Get to know your Inner Saboteur
“Hey, look! I get to create whatever persona I want to, and it's all up to me. And the truth is, we are all basically the universe—pretending to be humans for a brief moment of time."
The first Super Full Moon of the year is happening on Monday, April 26th. Full Moons are a culmination point, where we want to look at what is working and what isn't. During the Full Moon, the goal is to set intentions to release what no longer serves us.
This Super Full Moon in Scorpio (hello death, rebirth and rising from the ashes) is highlighting how we might be criticizing ourselves via the inner saboteur. The inner saboteur likes to talk in dark absolutes. I.e., Who do you think you are? You aren’t good enough to do that. Why would you think that was possible for you?
Sound familiar?
The inner saboteur wants us to think it is in charge. But our job is to flip the script and take back our power. We are in charge. We get to decide how we react to things, what decisions we make, and how we feel about any given situation.
So use the power of Monday's Super Full Moon to release and detox any limiting beliefs that your inner saboteur has been spoon feeding you.
Flip the script. Make your inner saboteur your b*tch. Take back your power. The goal is to become one with the Higher Self so we can fulfill our soul’s purpose. But first, we have to integrate the light (with the dark) and bring our unconscious aspects of self to our conscious awareness.
So when you feel your inner saboteur creeping in, boss up and remind them who is in charge.
If I had to sum up the vibes from this super full moon in Scorpio, it would have to be this quote from RuPaul:
"Sometimes we're our own worst enemy. That little voice inside your head that tells you your vision or dreams are stupid or unattainable."
I grew up going to drag shows, and I'm a HUGE drag race fan. And while I love all of RuPaul’s cheeky one-liners, this is by far the most powerful--Because it's a reminder that the ego likes to overthink EVERYTHING.
And most often, we are the architects of our own demise. Either we take control of our thoughts, emotions, and actions, or our inner saboteur keeps us playing small. When we let the inner saboteur lead our thoughts and actions, we block our Higher Self from expressing our highest timeline.
An excerpt from a recent Akashic Records session:
"Look into the mirror and take the time to get to know who you really are. Treat your internal as kind as you treat your external-for they are one and the same. Although the beauty within would take your breath away… Embrace yourself. Embrace your power. You are perfect just the way you are.”
― The Record Keepers
Tell your inner saboteur thanks, but no thanks.
So take some time this week for self-care and self-love. Ask your Higher Self to help you embrace the beauty of your soul and release all alliances with your inner saboteur. You have sh*t to do- and playing small is so 2019. NOW is the time to make your impact. This is the time to step into your mission and fulfill your dreams.
Take your power back from the inner saboteur and try the Full Moon Ritual! Remember, you came here for a reason. It's time to find out why.
✨ Be kind. Know your truth. Aim for the light. ✨
P.S. Grab RuPaul’s book Guru for more inspiration. You won't be disappointed!
Tell me about your Inner Saboteur experience by tagging #AimForTheLight on Instagram or by sending me your story to martha@phlighteraimes.com