Ho'oponopono: The Ancient Hawaiian Forgiveness Ritual
“Until you change your thinking, you will recycle the same experiences.”
-The Record Keepers
Early on in my awakening, I stumbled upon a book that changed everything for me. While on a trip to the Big Island, I found this textiles boutique and tearoom in downtown Hilo-highly recommend it! They have this quaint tea shop in the back where they host tarot readers and sound healers.In the library, I came across this little blue book called Ho'oponopono: The Hawaiian forgiveness ritual as the key to your life's fulfillment.
Since then, I have gifted this book to dozens of friends and family. I recently got back from another trip to the Big Island, and every time I am there, I am reminded of this simple Hawaiian forgiveness prayer:
I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.
These four sentences work like a vibrational mantra or a meditative frequency of peace and unity. They operate through space and time, beyond cause and effect, and transmit directly to your Higher Self, your subconscious, and your conscious mind. After a short while, you shift from disharmony to harmony. You move from separation to union while you say:
I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.
So, what do these four sentences mean?
The Art of forgiveness
"Ho'oponopono" (pronounced HO-oh-Po-no-Po-no)
The word "Ho'o" means "to make," and "pono" means "right". The repetition of the word "pono" extends the phrase to: "To make right with oneself and others."
Most of us struggle with the concept of forgiveness for others and, most importantly, ourselves. This age-old healing Hawaiian Forgiveness practice is a beautiful way to reconcile and restore balance.
I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.
The Ho'oponopono forgiveness prayer is spiritually powerful because it requires you first to acknowledge that you did wrong by saying you're sorry. Chanting this prayer acts as a mantra to cleanse the body of any shame, traumatic memories, or guilt that keeps the mind fixated on negative thoughts.
I'M SORRY - By saying "I am sorry," you acknowledge that you are responsible for what's in your mind and the actions you take.
PLEASE FORGIVE ME - Asking for forgiveness is the key to letting go to move forward.
THANK YOU - Being thankful and saying thank you is a form of gratitude. Responding to positivity in your life with gratitude allows you to continue to attract positivity.
I LOVE YOU - There is nothing as powerful as saying I love you. When you are open and vulnerable, you are at your most authentic self.
This beautiful Hawaiian prayer rewires your subconscious, allowing you to let go of what was and welcome peace and positivity into your life.
Chant the H'oponopono prayer after reflecting upon the day right before bed each night, and think about anything that made you feel frustrated or angry throughout the day. Ask yourself, "Could I have responded to any situations better?" If anything negative comes up, chant the beautiful prayer eleven times in a row.
Consistently practicing this prayer allows you to start each with a clean slate and live a balanced life full of peace, gratitude, and love.
I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.
These high vibrational phrases lighten the ego's load to raise you up to receive blessings from the Universe.
Try doing the Ho'oponopono prayer for 21 days, once in the morning, once at night, and anytime you need a refresh during the day. Check out the book Zero Limits by Dr. Joe Vitale for the history of the Ho’oponopono process and its founder Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.
I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.
By going within, through self-questioning and examining our thoughts, actions, and emotions, we can get get back to what the shamans call “right thinking.” Of course, Self-Discovery is a never-ending process, as we are constantly evolving and growing. The answers that we seek are waiting for us to discover. We just need to know where to look and what tools to utilize. Check out part two of this blog on the how you can use Ho’oponopono to manifest your desires.
✨ Be kind. Know your truth. Aim for the light. ✨
Tell me about your Ho’oponopono experience by tagging #AimForTheLight on Instagram or by sending me your story to martha@phlighteraimes.com
Check out my Spotify playlist Songs from the Akasha! I have done hundreds of sessions, and the guides like to download a song before each session, which usually gives a synopsis of what messages they want to bring through.
Spirit likes to send messages through number sequences, books, and SONGS. These are nudges from your higher self and guides trying to connect with you through your Akashic Record.
You can use this playlist as an oracle. Just close your eyes, scroll through the playlist and set an intention for Spirit to send you a message. Then open your eyes, and listen to the song you are drawn to. Listen to the song with headphones and see what messages come through!